Memory Park: Rethinking Madaba Archaeological Park

Abdulqadir Ghassan Munther Qadri
German Jordanian University
Name(s) of instructor(s): 
Arch. Leen Fakhouri
Brief About The Project: 

Memory Park

Located in the city centre of Madaba in Jordan, Madaba’s Archaeological Park is a time capsule of various past historical layers that the city of Madaba has witnessed. A vital part of Madaba’s Urban context, yet introverted and hidden, neglected by the local community and suffering from having a proper, interactive interpretation of its context, significance and historical layers.

Within this context. The Memory Park is not only envisioned as a protective shelter for the historical remains and to interpret them, but also as an active, attractive spot in the city that recalls the memories of the city that will reclaim the site into its surrounding urban Context.

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