Tourist Path - مسار حكايه ارض -

إسراء وائل محمد جبريل
هبد خالد عزالدين جرادات
رانيا رشيد صابر ناصر
كرستي نضال عيسى الحداد
al balqa applied university
Name(s) of instructor(s): 
DR.Misaa AL-Somali
Brief About The Project: 

Tourist path - مسار حكايه ارض -

This project is located in Jordan, a city al_ salt (on 60 street
It is one of the cities on the world heritage list. So, it came to
Complement the basic tourist path of the city.
starts from A religious edifice (The prophet Joshua)
it ends with a national value which is called the (Jerusalem view)

The concept:
*Converting sixty street from death street to life street
* The value of the site (religious and national)
*The located value is aesthetic
Support by (theory place making) how we can shape our
public realm to shared value.

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